Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Essence of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is not just a simple method of inserting needles in the human body, but is a complex system that combines other complimentary techniques as well including Massage, Herbs, Moxibustion, laser devices etc. Acupuncture has greater effect along with usage of herbs. This is supposed to enhance the healing effects of acupuncture. Western scientists have tried to find a rationale for acupuncture points and the physiology behind it. But there are no clear cut answers available and it will not be wrong to say that this Chinese healing therapy defies logic.
Modern medicine cannot reconcile the Chinese concept of Qi, meridian system and their connection with various organs of the human body. But this form of alternative medicine is very much in vogue and the results are beyond expectations. Coming to Qi -what do the Chinese have to say about it? In simple parlance it is the life energy prevalent inside a human body. A combination of 3 factors like the air breathed in through the lungs, kidneys and the energy absorbed from food and water through the digestive system is the essence of Qi. This life force circulates throughout the body, and when flowing freely, the person remains in good health.
Acupuncture helps restore this life flow and is safe and effective and has no side effects of any type. It has been observed that after treatment a large majority of patients experience a sense of relief. In this connection its worth recounting an incident related by a friend. The man was suffering from sinusitis and no amount of allopathic me dices helped him get a permanent cure. He was recommended by a friend who advised him to try acupuncture. Subsequently after one sitting itself the patient recovered and till date there is no recurrence. Needles being seen inserted in the body may give the feel that this process is full of pain.
But in reality it is virtually a painless affair. There are some mild sensations like tingling, numbness, electrical pulsations in areas distant from the site of insertion. Once the needles are removed the sensations ease off. Acupuncture needles are very small in size compared to standard hypodermic needles. They are sold and cannot be used to draw blood. In the United States this form of medicine came quite late, but is increasing in popularity. A large number of Americans are now having a look at treatment through acupuncture. An important plus point in this type of therapy is that the role of drugs and medicines s is completely obviated as the treatment involves an attempt to stimulate the body's own resistance mechanism. Side effects are also a big zero.

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