Thursday, January 5, 2012

Asclepiad Hippocrates era

Hippocrates embodied the ideal virtues of a physician such as knowledge, readiness to help, purity of life, compassion, skill and patriotism. Hippocratic medicine was based on practice as well as theory, with little emphasis on anatomy. The history of Indian medicine dates back to 3000 BC and the excavations of Mohanjadaro and Harappa throw light on medical practices that flourished at that age which consisted mainly of religious, magical and empirical procedures.

"Ayurveda" (the science of life) is considered an off-shoot of the Rigveda. It laid emphasis not only on healing, but also on the prolongation of life, preservation of illness. The ancient sages recognized health as the very basis of virtues, wealth, enjoyment and salvation. From an early times Ayurveda had developed independent of the religious precepts. Agnivesa has been credited with authorship of Ayurveda.

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