Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Nine Easy Ways to Flatten Stomach

1. Drink plenty of water. Actually, when you drink water, you are providing your intake of calorie-free food. Another additional benefit is to provide a lubricant to facilitate the body's metabolism.

2. Eat a bowl of raspberries. The fruit is safe to be used as a snack because it is rich in fiber, so it saves you from constipation.
3. Stay away from cocktails. Cocktail is sort of alcohol-free drink and refreshing. The reason why it should be shunned is its high calorie content. It can even lead to the emergence of the hormone cortisol, a stress hormone that helps the body to store fat.

4. Sit properly. Hunched position will make the bump look. Whereas if you sit with your spine straight, your stomach muscles will be toned.

5. Move your hips. Back to your childhood activity, use hulahoop to burn fat at the waist and hips.

6. Work in the garden. You know, the activity of planting, lifting pots, and watering the plants can burn as many as 350 calories in one hour!

7. Walk in the park. Leisurely walk in the green park, not only relaxes the mind but also get rid of fat.

8. Lift the top leg. Lying on your bed, and lifted your feet up and make the walls as a foot rest. Slowly move back and shoulders away from the bed, which leads to the knee. After that, slowly lower your upper body into original position. Repeat 10 to 12 times for 2 to 3 times a week.

9. Tighten your stomach muscles. To make the abdominal muscles contract from a different angle, lie on the floor and place both hands at your sides. Bend the legs to form a 90 degree, while the second point of the foot to the stomach. At the same time, lift your back as far as you can continue. Do as much as 10-12 times, and repeat 2-3 times a week.

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