Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Steps on How to Avoid Stress in Your Life

You often hear people say to you, ” don’t call me because I’m in a lot of stress right now”. When you’re at work, you hear your co-worker talking about being stressed at work. When you’re at home you’ll hear your daughter complaining because of stress related activities from school. And once in a while, if not most of the time, you’ll hear yourself saying, “I’m too tired and too stressed to go to the gym to workout”. It’s seems like stress is all around us and cannot be avoided, but that’s not true. You can reduce stress if you want to and here are some steps to follow. 

Step One: Start at home, make your family the model for others. Focus on how you can build good relationship with your family members. Encourage activities that will make you bond with each other better like going for an out of town weekend together. When at home, try to create a homely environment by eating together at meals, watching TV together and once a week, turn off the TV so you can have a family conversation and just enjoying the company of each other. When one member of the family celebrates his/her birthday, make sure you’re all together at the ocassion or be there when one graduates at school. Go to the movie as a family, pray together, walk in the park and have a picnic together as a family. All these activities will help build strong family bonding and if this happens, you can be sure that you live a healthier life with less stress on the way. 

Step Two: Same goes with your relationships. With your partner in life, spouse, wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, and significant other. Sometimes, you can’t help arguing with each other and trying to prove who’s right or wrong and with a lot of misunderstanding, you came out from that situation with a lot of stress and pain. So in order to avoid the ocassion, try to find the right time to discuss things out, both should be in a relax mood and keep an open mind. Try to be as calm as you can when confronted with arguments, seeing the best in your partner. Maybe those things happen because you just came from work and when you get home things got worse. My suggestion is before you talk to your partner, change your clothes first, maybe take a shower, calm yourself, walk outside for a little bit and then talk to your partner. It will be easier for you to handle any situation when you are in this mood. 

Step Three: When at work, you are surrounded with a lot of demands and pressures. Projects are to be done by the end of the day, there are complains from other workers to handle, there are deadlines to meet and so on. So how do you handle these without stress? Just like at home, you should create an atmosphere of unity and camaraderie. Encourage teamwork and support for each other. When at the breakroom, spend time communicating with your coworker instead of watching news from TV. Be more proactive and manage your time wisely. Avoid distractions when at work, stay away from calling somebody while at work. Focus on finishing the task so others may follow you. Be the role model. Be the peacemaker. A lot will be accomplished if you’re stress free, don’t you agree?

Step Four: Attitude toward oneself and the world is a very helpful way to diminish stress in your life. Have a positive outlook in life, believe in yourself and in what you can and will do. Find your passion and do what you love. Practice to live in the “now moments” rather than the “then”. Today is what’s important not tomorrow not yesterday, today.

Step Five: Practice Meditation, Relaxation Exercises and visualization. Meditation will be the key to your good life, healthy living and more. Know some relaxation techniques like sitting in a comfortable position easing the tensions from your muscles, muscles in different parts of your body and so on. Closing your eyes and visualizing good memories, quiet moments, nice scenery, happy experiences and more. All these will create and enhances healthy living, good attitude and stress free life. So the next time you feel the stress coming knocking on your door, deep breathe, count to ten, inhale and exhale and keep calm and relax and tell yourself “I am in control and nothing can distract me from now on”. And then release the tensions from your muscles. I wish you all a stress-free life!

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