Monday, October 10, 2011

ABS-CBN's final verdict on ryan bang

Last Saturday, October 8, 2011 Dimples Romana made a selfless sacrifice to exit voluntarily as a judge on ABS-CBN's Show Time wherein she saw that most of the host where greatly affected by the eviction of Ryan Bang who stayed as a judge for almost 48 weeks on the show. Although she was not given enough time to explain herself on air but she made an impression to the public that Ryan Bang will take her place. Right after the show, social networking sites were flooded with so many reactions. Some were voicing out concerns like the management should follow the set rules that whoever judge will get the higher votes for audience share will automatically be evicted. Others were showing sympathy and support to Dimples and to her sacrifice to let Mr. Bang stay.
October 10, 2011 (Monday) - Bobet Vidanes, director of the show has finally made an official statement in behalf of ABS-CBN stating that although they were saddened by the result of the eviction but they must continue to give entertainment to the public and that includes to follow the rules of the show, therefore Ryan Bang is officially evicted from being a hurado on Showtime.

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